We work with couples at all stages:
- those just considering separation, wanting to talk with someone outside their immediate situation to bring clarity out of confusion
- those who have decided to separate, know what they want and hope to take care of everything quickly and amicably
- those who are already separated and want guidance for getting things done properly
- those who have been separated for a long time but there are recurring issues; regarding children, money or new partners
- those at the start of their relationship; e.g. to help facilitate the otherwise potentially awkward conversations around pre-nuptial or living together agreements
We also work with wider families; including new partners, step-parents, blended families or intergenerational.

Children and Young People
When parents separate or divorce, they can use family mediation to sort out when the children spend time with each of them. Children and young people can be involved in mediation too and have their voices heard. You are an important member of the family, so your voice is important. Article 12 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (important law) says: every child has the right to express their views freely, and to have their views taken into account when decisions are being made about them.
As part of family mediation, mediators can meet with the children or young people of the family. They get their own separate time with the mediator, and sometimes meet the mediator with their brothers or sisters too. These meetings with children can either be online (video call) or in person (e.g. at the mediator’s office, or your school). The mediator will listen to how you are feeling about things since your parents separated.
Mediation is voluntary (you don’t have to come – no pressure) but lots of children and young people find it helpful. Mediation is also confidential (private to you and the mediator unless there is risk of harm). At the end of the meeting, it is your decision what the mediator tells your parents.
Mediators don’t take sides or tell parents or children what to do. As children from the family, you are not responsible for making decisions or making things right. But sometimes hearing your ideas really helps your parents, and you will feel better if you feel heard.
You can find out more about children in mediation here
Or check out these videos where other children and young people have shared their stories.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLI9k_fG9wI in Tom’s story, 13-year-old Tom shares what parents separating feels like for the young person. He also talks about his right to be heard and the positive experience of being involved in child inclusive mediation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHlu0ibSF-g in Chloe’s story, a slightly younger child talks about managing her emotions and the opportunity child inclusive mediation gave her to work through some of this.
https://naccc.org.uk/for-children/ lots of resources, split into sections for children or young people; including using a contact centre as a place where you might be meeting up with one of your parents.
What shall I do now?
If you know your parents are already in mediation, ask them about it and whether you can see the mediator too.
If your parents aren’t mediating but you think it might help, show them this website!
Help if things are really bad
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/our-services-childline/ or call for free on 0800 1111
Other useful links
Family Justice Young People’s Board
National Youth Advisory Service
Voices in the Middle
Law Stuff

We get referrals via solicitors, barristers, counsellors, therapists, financial advisors, estate agents, clergy, beauticians and hairdressers… (and lots of our former clients of course). We are grateful that you entrust your clients to us. We want to make sure that the process of referring is as straightforward as possible.
We also want to work alongside whatever work you might be doing for them. With our client’s permission, we will keep you updated too, e.g. as they progress through MIAMs and mediation appointments.
If you have a client you are struggling to help or don’t know which of our services might best assist them, please give Sarah a call.