Parenting Coordination

Parenting Coordination is an additional role where an experienced mediator has undertaken specific, comprehensive training.
Parenting Coordination is different to mediation because it’s a long-term role; working alongside the whole family to help transition away from conflict that has resulted in litigation or total breakdown in communication. Parenting Coordination focuses on continued co-parenting, using coaching and individual sessions as well as mediation, to help parents find a framework in which they can still work together and so make better joint decisions.
A Parenting Coordinator also has some decision-making abilities within their contract of appointment; not to change the terms of the order/agreement, but to stop a dispute over interpretation between the parents ending up back in court.
Parenting Coordination is about moving forward; implementing the terms of a Parental Agreement or Court order and getting children out of patterns of unhealthy conflict.
If you are struggling with any of the following, having Sarah onboard as your Parenting Coordinator could really help:
- conflict on day-to-day arrangements including transitions and handovers, children’s extra-curricular activities etc.
- conflict on holiday arrangements, even though the order apparently provides for these
- clarifying new things that emerge which weren’t previously anticipated in the order/agreement
- temporary changes to arrangements e.g. holidays and special events
- lack of communication between parents
- parenting “separately”; clarifying responsibilities regarding the children, sharing information appropriately etc.
Sarah has particular expertise and specialises in dealing with high conflict and destructive cycles of communication. Where there are deep seated problems, she offers longer term services to enable real and lasting change.
You can read more about Parenting Coordination and how it can help at the website for The Alliance of UK Parenting Coordinators. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact us and we will take you through the next steps.